Monday, November 12, 2012

Grand theft poetry WJ#38

A bright light fell over the earth.
 Nevermore to remain, nevermore to return.
 He was a pioneer a trend setter.
  He was the hardest working and fastest at developing his skill.
 "everything has been provided for me" he would say. " i only have to take advantage of it". 
Quit picking fights and go make something great.
 I looked at it, i always dreamed of it becoming a a secret club house or hideout.
" i just want to be happy, but its rubbish, everytone wants to be happy."
He always seemed to be looking into the beyond.
 I was pretty hazy on the details.
 His anxiety under this suspense was very painful.
 So he just sat there enjoying the thrum of the ideling engine.
And not thinking he emerged from the crimson twilight into the common electric glare with a self conciosness intensified to the pitch of agony.
 and his mission is not for sale.
This hero is protecting  this hellish future, populated by criminals.
 But there is no crosstide, there is no shield, there is no costume.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What are you talking about? maybe slow down and read and dont mix up lines before calling me out so quick.

    2. I got your back Govenor.
