Sunday, September 9, 2012


When you enter high school you think its gonna be the best, you think its gonna be Jr. high times ten! You think "dang man i got all my homies and the girls are starting to get really hot I'm going to be set". But the truth is your gonna loose a lotof your "Bros". Some you will loose because of the different interests you have. They are going out for football and you are going to be on stage crew, others you will loose because they change for girls or change to fit into groups. And i think that's the biggest reason why you loose people in your life. They leave trying to be something that you don't think they are. But its there choice, you try and stay close but eventually the distance, the difference, the change has grown and created a gap. The inside jokes end, the calls stop, the talking stops, Suddenly there is a familiar stranger walking past you. You dont even say hi. You feel stuck, lost in time. Did they keep moving? are you living in the past? are you just a memory to them? is all that time waisted?  Now its impossible to reconnect, you don't even know where to start a friendship. You are now back at kindergarten, your looking for someone to sit by in the cafeteria, someone to share crayons with, someone to go to recess with. Suddenly there they are! They are looking too. You start out just talking, then just hanging once or twice but now you hang everyday. At first they didn't know 10 things about you now they know everything about you and especially how to embarrass you. The beauty of high school in the long run is making these life long relationships with people. Now high school is back the way you thought it was going to be. You are set now! let the fun begin.


  1. High school is the place where people discover themselves. It's not surprising that people grow apart as their personalities change. I would know. It's happened to me twice this year alone. But I've made closer friends than I ever had in middle school.
