Monday, September 24, 2012

Sudden change

Today I found out that two of my coaches were fired by our head coach. Its bingham week, basicly the region championship. We have 3 days to get our defense together before we play probably the biggest game of our season. I don't mind it too much seeing as it didn't effect my playing time. And i am happy about seeing one of the coaches go becuase he was the son of the other one that got fired, and he was so stupid and made playing football no fun at all. I basicly coached my position to the other kids behind his back. But his dad was actualy a really good coach. He understood the high school game,  and he had my back so i am really kinda sad to see him go. But they brought back the old defensive cordinator and I actualy know him pretty well. I am excited to see how our team reacts to this, we were supposed to be one of the best defenses in the state and we haven't been playing to our potential. So either this completly wrecks us or we play unreal. Stay tuned to Lone Peak football's road to a championship.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you writing about what's on your mind. And obviously, this whole thing should be on your mind.

